The BridgeMaven | Defensive Play

Defensive Play Tag

23: An Afternoon Nap

09.11.2013 in Bridge Bites

East’s 3♠ bid was preemptive, showing a long suit (usually 7 cards) and a weak hand, its purpose being to make life difficult for the opponents.  And so it does, pushing N-S into an ugly 4♥ contract which has 5 top losers. West cashes his three Clubs…

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17: A Trump Demotion

08.11.2013 in Bridge Bites

If you’ve seen Bridge Bites 14, 15 and 16 then by now you are familiar with trump promotions.  They are not so difficult once you get the hang of them, but it takes real talent to organize a trump demotion!  We are putting you in the…

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16: Don’t Overruff

07.11.2013 in Bridge Bites

This week you are West, defending 3♠.  You must make three good plays in order to beat this contract.  Are you up to the challenge? Both Vulnerable You lead the ♥J which holds the trick, Partner playing the Ten.  Partner wins the second Heart trick with the Eight,…

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15: Choice of Promotions

06.11.2013 in Bridge Bites

Here’s a deal which illustrates the technique of promoting trump tricks for the defense.  In fact, as you are about to see, this deal provides three distinct examples of trump promotion! None Vulnerable East’s 2♠ was a “Weak Two”, showing a 6-card suit and less…

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14: A Couple of Undercuts

06.11.2013 in Bridge Bites

As West, your opening lead is the ♥A.  Then you try the ♣K on which Partner plays the Seven and Declarer the Nine.  Next, you cash the ♣A (everyone following).  You’ve now cashed your three winners, where’s the setting trick?  You can be sure that Declarer has…

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