The BridgeMaven | Declarer Play

Declarer Play Tag

22: Counting the Hand

09.11.2013 in Bridge Bites

This week we start a series of hands where the key to success is counting the opponents’ distribution, in each case turning a guess into a sure thing. West’s 2♦ was a Weak Two, showing less than opening values and a 6-card suit.  East further crowded…

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21: Voyage of Discovery

09.11.2013 in Bridge Bites

Forgive the grandiloquent title, we are not talking here about Lewis and Clark, nor the HMS Beagle, nor even Christopher Columbus.  We merely refer to Declarer’s intelligent (but hardly epic) play of the ♣K in the above deal. E-W Vulnerable orgive the grandiloquent title, we…

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20: Power of Deduction

09.11.2013 in Bridge Bites

This deal follows continues the month’s theme of counting the opponents’ HCP. This is not the most swashbuckling auction ever to appear in Bridge Bites but the deal does provide a test for Declarer’s powers of deduction.  Cover up the E-W hands if you would…

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19: Stuff Doesn’t Happen

09.11.2013 in Bridge Bites

Last week, our astute Declarer remembered that his opponent had opened the bidding, sensibly deduced that said opponent must have the missing high cards, and then played the hand accordingly.  This week’s deal is a bit more difficult, as Declarer must be alert to something…

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18: Smarter Than 2nd Graders

09.11.2013 in Bridge Bites

We learn to count in first- and second-grade, but somehow this basic skill deserts many bridge players in the heat of battle. West leads a low Heart and East (correctly) inserts the Jack.  Two more Hearts are cashed, followed by a trump shift.  “Rats!” mutters…

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